- Land Transport, Logistics, Services
In 2008, the French state railway SNCF established Akiem to offer heavy locomotive leasing for liberalised rail freight transport. Recently, the French state called on SNCF to reduce debt by selling subsidiaries. Therefore, with validity from December 9, 2022, Akiem was transferred for EUR 800 million to the investor Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, CDPQ for short.
- Industry & Infrastructure, Land Transport
The promise by Hyundai and partners that a vehicle fleet of 1,600 Hyundai XCIENT Fuel Cell 36-ton trailers should be built in Switzerland by 2025 is currently under pressure. Reports circulated in the specialist media that the project had been or would be stopped. The CEO of the partner company H2 Energy Rolf Huber opposed this on November 1st. But adjustments to the roll-out model seem inevitable.
- Industry & Infrastructure, Land Transport
- Land Transport
- Industry & Infrastructure, Land Transport, Research & Development
- Land Transport, Logistics, Services
- Events, Industry & Infrastructure, Land Transport
- Events, Industry & Infrastructure, Land Transport