- Logistics, Services
The transport and logistics industry started the new year with positive momentum at the traditional 18th BME/VDV Rail Freight Forum in Berlin - despite the current recession and cost increases for using the railway lines. VDV Vice President Joachim Berends told CARGO FREIGHT JOURNAL: "When it comes to the railway, we must not think in short time frames when it comes to the approval of new infrastructure, financing, and maintaining the existing network. And that was the topic here."
- Industry & Infrastructure, Logistics, Services
- Industry & Infrastructure, Logistics, Services
Where is Europe heading with the announced Clean Industrial Deal? How can the transformation in the transport sector be made a success? Representatives of the mobility industry discussed this with the Federal Government and the EU Commission at the annual opening event of the German Transport Forum DVF on January 13, 2025.
- Land Transport, Logistics, Services
The German Federal Office for Mobility and Logistics (BALM) has published its moving medium-term forecast for the development of freight transport from 2024 to 2026. The basis is assumptions about geopolitical and economic developments. The authors are employees of Intraplan Consult, the client is the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV).
- Land Transport, Law & Politics, Logistics, Services, Veranstaltungen
The 15th VPI Symposium of the Association of Freight Wagon Owners in Germany took place in Hamburg on January 14, 2025. VPI Chairman Malte Lawrenz described the poor condition of the railway infrastructure as the "biggest pain point in the industry". In front of the 250 participants, the VPI chairman named other key areas of action: securing innovation funding for projects such as ETCS and DAK, reforming the track pricing system, separating InfraGo from the DB Group, securing single wagon traffic and strengthening combined transport.
- Land Transport, Logistics, Services
As of December 1, 2023, the toll for trucks on Germany's motorways and federal highways was almost doubled. This is a significant burden on the road freight transport industry. But the “SHIFT 2030” initiative has the right “medicine” ready: KV Akut! The medication package says: “KV acute” with the “combined transport (KV) active ingredient” has a threefold effect: against toll complaints, against a lack of drivers and to inhibit CO2 – “daily use recommended”…
- Land Transport, Logistics, Services
The European Locomotive Leasing Group (ELL) is entering the last month of 2023 with a bang. On November 30, the Vienna-based company signed a framework agreement with Siemens Mobility (Munich) for the delivery of up to 200 additional Vectron locomotives. Locomotives will be procured in various power system configurations that can be used in both passenger and freight transport.
- Logistics, Services