Kompetent und konkret: Schienenbeauftragter Theurer beim VDV/BME-Forum

„Wir brauchen einen starken Hochlauf des Schienengüterverkehrs!“ bekräftigte der neue Schienenbeauftragte der deutschen Bundesregierung Michael Theurer beim 15. Forum Schienengüterverkehr von VDV/BME. Cargo-Manager dokumentiert die 20-minütige Rede auf der Cargo-Manager-Video-Plattform unter dem Link: https://youtu.be/Ofrqh4FdSzY

Competent and concrete: Rail commissioner Theurer at the VDV/BME forum

"We need a strong ramp-up of rail freight traffic!" affirmed the new Rail Commissioner of
the German Federal Government, Michael Theurer, at the 15th Forum for Rail Freight
Transport organized by the VDV/BME. Cargo Manager documents the 20-minute speech on
the Cargo Manager video platform at the link: https://youtu.be/Ofrqh4FdSzY

Lineas, Ermewa and Beacon Rail form a partnership

“The partnership with Beacon Rail and the Ermewa Group concerns a sale-and-lease-back agreement for part of the Lineas fleet. The transaction will allow Lineas to fully repay its senior credit lines and further expand its financial reserves. The agreement reached by the parties includes the phased sale and leaseback of 109 T77 diesel locomotives over the period 2021-2023 and around 4,000 freight cars in 2021. “