“We connect places, we shorten distances” is the motto of the Polish mega-investment. In fact, the now formally determined location is strategically located between Poland’s capital Warsaw and the city of Łódź.A transport hub is to be built here that integrates air, rail and road traffic.
“This is the largest, but also most important decision of the Mazovia Voivodeship Office in Warsaw”, said Voivode Mariusz Frankowski at the press conference. The CPK airport, together with the communication system on its western side, will be built in the Mazovia Voivodeship on the territory of three municipalities: Baranów, Teresin and Wiskitki.The adopted location decision includes three components: an airport with a terminal, runways and taxiways, facilities for border guards, customs and tax offices and fire services;a railway with a junction with exits in three directions and the necessary infrastructure; and a road, including a new road system in the immediate vicinity of the airport.

“We have a location decision for the construction of the most modern airport in Europe, which is to be built in central Poland,” said Dariusz Klimczak, Polish Minister of Infrastructure. “Obtaining a location decision is an essential part of the CPK project. We are ready for real construction activities.” The Chairman of the Board of CPK Company Dr. Filip Czernicki explained how he managed to purchase the land necessary for the investment: “We wanted every family living in the area of the future investment to receive an attractive offer from CPK to buy their own property under the Voluntary Acquisition Program. This brought results. Over 90% of the region’s residents have joined the program. This shows that in Poland it is possible to implement public interest investments with respect for people and social sensitivity.”
Czernicki was convinced that the location decision “will meet the deadlines set in the schedule” and “CPK will soon be able to start submitting the building permit application, which is already being worked on intensively.”
The area required for the location decision application for the CPK airport and part of the railway junction is 2,585 hectares. Within the scope of the location decision under the Voluntary Acquisition Program (PDN), CPK has so far acquired land with a total area of 1,188 hectares. Over 90 percent of the owners of land on which residential buildings are located have registered with the PDN. |
The administrative decision issued further expands the area acquired by CPK under the PDN and covered by the decision.The company has signed agreement protocols for another 214 hectares located in this area.In the coming days and weeks, the company plans to conclude agreements with other interested parties.After the location decision is issued, the company has 60 days to sign notarial deeds in accordance with applicable regulations.
Hermann Schmidtendorf, Editor-in-Chief