15th forum on rail freight transport on 1./2. February in Berlin

15th forum on rail freight transport on 1./2. February in Berlin

15th forum on rail freight transport on 1./2. February in Berlin

Graphic: VDV
The focus of the 15th Forum on Rail Freight Transport on February 1 and 2, 2022 in the Radisson Collection Hotel in Berlin is the expansion of climate-friendly rail freight transport. 

The organizers of the traditional conference are the Federal Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics e.V. (BME) and the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV). Our video from the previous event in 2020 shows how extensive and stimulating the debates and lectures are there. The film can be found on the CARGO manager video platform under the link: https://youtu.be/JE0ZybSvrt4 

“In 2022, the forum will again focus on an industry,” the organizers explain. “In recent years we have paid particular attention to the steel, chemical, automotive, paper / wood / pulp, consumer goods and retail sectors. At the current forum, we have placed some practical examples from industries with heavy bulk goods for you. Because it is precisely the heavy bulk goods such as building materials, forest and agricultural goods, fertilizers or waste / recycled goods that have to find their way (again) more and more onto the railways, as they are to a large extent rail-related.” 

Sustainability and climate protection run as a common thread through several lectures. Jan Grothe, CPO, Deutsche Bahn AG and member of the BME federal executive board, will give a lecture on focused sustainability in DB procurement. And Joachim Berends, Vice President, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Rail Freight Transport, VDV and Board Member, Bentheimer Eisenbahn AG, speaks about the contribution of the railways to climate protection and the relief of the roads. 

It will be heard with interest what the representative of the newly configured Federal Ministry of Transport has to say. The topic is “Organizing climate-friendly mobility – measures for sustainable freight transport by rail”. An old acquaintance, however, is Stephan Bull, Head of Unit E 11, Master Plan Rail Freight Transport, Siding Funding, at the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. He will speak on the subject of tests, pilots and trials of innovations in rail freight transport. Other presentations concern disposal logistics for heavy bulk goods, rail-based transport of agricultural products, intermodal online shopping and hybrid block train solutions. 

Information and registration at: Fax: +49 6196 5828-299 | Tel .: +49 6196 5828-200 www.bme.de/schienengueterverkehr vdv / hfs 

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