ZEDAS logistics software supports effective logistics processes

How do I plan and monitor my shunting trips effectively? How do I always keep an overview of the current wagon locations, delivery and collection orders? These and other tasks are solved by the zedas®cargo software from ZEDAS Ltd, based in Senftenberg in Brandenburg/Germany. The company will provide information about this at their ZEDAS Summit 2023 on March 16th and 17th, in webinars, and also at the transport logistic trade fair in Munich on May 9th-12th.

ZEDAS-Logistik-Software unterstützt effektive Logistikprozesse

Wie plane und überwache ich meine Rangierfahrten effektiv? Wie behalte ich stets einen Überblick zu aktuellen Waggonstandorten, Zustell- und Abholaufträgen? Diese und andere Aufgaben löst die Software zedas®cargo der im brandenburgischen Senftenberg ansässigen ZEDAS GmbH. Sie informiert darüber auf ihrem ZEDAS Summit 2023 am 16. und 17. März, in Webinaren sowie auf der am 9.-12. Mai stattfindenden Messe transport logistic in München.

Invasion of Ukraine: Hackers attack computers of Belarusian railway

The railway is also involved in the transport logistics of the Russian Armed Forces for military actions against Ukraine. Subject to confirmation of the reports, pro-democracy hackers attacked central computers of the Belarusian state railway BelŽD (БелЖД) in order to delay the transport of Russian military equipment to the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

Competent and concrete: Rail commissioner Theurer at the VDV/BME forum

"We need a strong ramp-up of rail freight traffic!" affirmed the new Rail Commissioner of
the German Federal Government, Michael Theurer, at the 15th Forum for Rail Freight
Transport organized by the VDV/BME. Cargo Manager documents the 20-minute speech on
the Cargo Manager video platform at the link: https://youtu.be/Ofrqh4FdSzY

Lithuania: The new gateway for freight between Europe and Asia

Since the summer of 2021, freight trains from across Europe have been able to reach Lithuanian’s Kaunas Intermodal Terminal (KIT) – one of the most important logistics centres for the Rail Baltica project and the North Sea to Baltic Sea transport corridor.

Mercitalia launches pilot test for smart freight wagon

The belonging to Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane companies TX Logistik AG and Mercitalia Intermodal launch a pilot project to test the use of innovative sensors and communication technologies in Combined Transport (CT).