14./15.Juni 2022, Vilnius/Litauen: Wichtige Konferenz zum Eisenbahn-Frachtverkehr
Trotz der globalisierten Lieferkette finden Geschäftsentwicklungen immer noch stark auf regionaler Ebene statt. Deshalb organisieren die Mitarbeiter von RailFreight.com jetzt eine Konferenz unter dem Motto RailFreight on Tour: „Am 14. und 15. Juni reisen wir nach Vilnius, Litauen.“
FRET SNCF: progress in the fight for survival
On February 24, 2022, the 2021 annual financial statements for the cargo company of the French state railway Fret SNCF are to be presented. The template states: progress is being made, albeit slowly.
Competent and concrete: Rail commissioner Theurer at the VDV/BME forum
"We need a strong ramp-up of rail freight traffic!" affirmed the new Rail Commissioner of
the German Federal Government, Michael Theurer, at the 15th Forum for Rail Freight
Transport organized by the VDV/BME. Cargo Manager documents the 20-minute speech on
the Cargo Manager video platform at the link: https://youtu.be/Ofrqh4FdSzY
Lineas, Ermewa and Beacon Rail form a partnership
“The partnership with Beacon Rail and the Ermewa Group concerns a sale-and-lease-back agreement for part of the Lineas fleet. The transaction will allow Lineas to fully repay its senior credit lines and further expand its financial reserves. The agreement reached by the parties includes the phased sale and leaseback of 109 T77 diesel locomotives over the period 2021-2023 and around 4,000 freight cars in 2021. “
YOUR WISHES FOR 2022, MR LAWRENZ? 25 percent market share
Under this question we present answers from various personalities in the international cargo and rail sector. Malte Lawrenz, Chairman of the Association of Freight Wagon Owners VPI in Hamburg, answers today.
YOUR WISHES FOR 2022, MR REINSHAGEN? Strong rail freight traffic reduces CO2 emissions
Under this question we present answers from various personalities in the international cargo and rail sector. Peter Reinshagen, Managing Director of Ermewa SA in Paris, answers today.
Mercitalia startet Pilotversuch für intelligenten Güterwagen
Die zur Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane gehörenden Unternehmen TX Logistik AG und Mercitalia Intermodal starten ein Pilotprojekt, um den Einsatz innovativer Sensoren und Kommunikationstechnologien im Kombinierten Verkehr (KV) zu testen.
Mercitalia launches pilot test for smart freight wagon
The belonging to Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane companies TX Logistik AG and Mercitalia Intermodal launch a pilot project to test the use of innovative sensors and communication technologies in Combined Transport (CT).