Heftiger Bahnunfall in Kroatien blockiert Mittelmeerkorridor bei Rijeka
Am 11. Dezember 2023, entgleiste um 8:49 Uhr ein Güterzug der Gesellschaft Rail Cargo Carrier – Croatia (RCC) auf einer eingleisigen Strecke zwischen den Bahnhöfen Meja und Škrljevo. Er kollidierte mit einem Triebwagen der kroatischen Eisenbahninfrastrukturgesellschaft (HŽ Infrastruktura). Der Verkehr auf dieser Bahnstrecke des Mittelmeerkorridors bis zum Hafen Rijeka ist vollständig eingestellt, bis die Untersuchung abgeschlossen ist und Gleise geräumt und repariert sind. Der Personenverkehr wurde durch Busse ersetzt. Die Reparatur der Strecke kann längere Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
New structure: Fret SNCF fights for survival
The break-up of the French state-owned rail freight company Fret SNCF has begun. In the economic service “actu transport logistics” on November 27, 2023, SNCF freight sales and marketing director Edouard Laverny explained: “Between December 10 and January 1, 2024, 13 of the 23 affected traffic flows will be converted.” In other words: Fret SNCF is already in the process of handing over a large proportion of commercially interesting transport contracts to the competition.
German freight transport: With “KV AKUT” against toll pain
As of December 1, 2023, the toll for trucks on Germany’s motorways and federal highways was almost doubled. This is a significant burden on the road freight transport industry. But the “SHIFT 2030” initiative has the right “medicine” ready: KV Akut! The medication package says: “KV acute” with the “combined transport (KV) active ingredient” has a threefold effect: against toll complaints, against a lack of drivers and to inhibit CO2 – “daily use recommended”…
ELL puts up to 200 additional SIEMENS Vectron locomotives into service
The European Locomotive Leasing Group (ELL) is entering the last month of 2023 with a bang. On November 30, the Vienna-based company signed a framework agreement with Siemens Mobility (Munich) for the delivery of up to 200 additional Vectron locomotives. Locomotives will be procured in various power system configurations that can be used in both passenger and freight transport.
Winter alert: Snowfall is hindering traffic on rail, road and air
Heavy snowfall has caught the railways in parts of Germany, Austria and Switzerland cold. IN GERMANY, Munich main station was not accessible on December 2nd, 2023, and train traffic between Munich and Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Lindau/Zurich and Stuttgart-Singen/Zurich is also suspended at least on December 3rd and 4th, 2024. Road and air traffic is affected as well.
VDV: Prices for the use of German railway lines threaten to become unaffordable from 2025
The German Federal Constitutional Court (BVG) has banned the federal government from using so-called special funds that had previously served other purposes to cover planned government spending. The resulting funding gap is forcing the government and budget politicians to fundamentally reassess planned expenditure.
Austrian Federal Railways celebrate their 100th anniversary
The current year in Austria will be marked by numerous special events with which ÖBB is celebrating its 100th birthday. On October 1, 1923, the ÖBB was created as an “independent economic entity” – initially under a different name.
German freight railways are demanding a reorganisation of the track booking process
The network of non-federally owned freight railways in Germany NEE has accused the administrator of the federal railway infrastructure, Deutsche Bahn Netz, of performing an “emergency stop on rail network framework agreements”. The German federal government and the Bundestag should now “seize the opportunity to implement the Deutschlandtakt concept properly”.
Großauftrag für Siemens Mobility: Indien bestellt 1.200 Güterlokomotiven
Im Märchen laufen ein Hase und ein Igel um die Wette. Doch immer, wenn der Hase sich als erster am Ziel glaubt, ist vor ihm der Igel und ruft: Ich bin schon da! So macht es jetzt offenbar Siemens. In letzter Zeit wird viel gesprochen über die wirtschaftliche und politische Bedeutung Indiens, doch Siemens ist schon da – und sogar mit dem größten Lokomotiv-Auftrag seiner Konzerngeschichte!
Major order for Siemens Mobility: India orders 1,200 freight locomotives
In the fairy tale, a rabbit and a hedgehog are racing. But whenever the hare thinks he has reached his goal first, the hedgehog is in front of him and calls out: I’m already there! Apparently Siemens is doing this now. There has been a lot of talk lately about India’s economic and political importance, but Siemens is already there – and even with the largest locomotive order in the company’s history!