Webinar on automated systems for ships, ports and infrastructure

Webinar on automated systems for ships, ports and infrastructure

Webinar on automated systems for ships, ports and infrastructure

A sailor's knot has to be solid - and the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany also holds the industry together. Image credit: MCN
A webinar on February 24, 2022 will provide information on autonomous systems in shipping. The organizer is the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN).

The webinar will take place virtually on February 24th between 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The website is used to register for this and other MCN events and for further information: https://www.maritimes-cluster.de The MCN is a maritime network founded in 2011 with more than 350 members from business, science and politics. With offices in Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein, it is in constant dialogue with all stakeholders. The goal, to use maritime vocabulary, is to figure out “what course to set, what sluice gates to open, what ports to call at.”

As an introduction, Dr. Katharina Kolo, research associate at TITUS Research, will present the complex world of optimal control of autonomous systems in shipping. How can optimal control theory be used to support development in the field of autonomous shipping? A simple movement model of a ship will be used to illustrate the questions that arise for this development step from a mathematical point of view. Differences between inland and sea shipping are also shown.

How can autonomous systems complete complex tasks based on sensor data, image processing and optical measurements and thus achieve even safer route guidance? Peter Holm, European Director at Sea Machine Robotics, already has experience with 1000 nautical miles of autonomous travel in the Baltic Sea. In the autumn of 2021, Sea Machines fitted the Damen Shipyard-built Model STU1004 tugboat with the SM300 Autonomous Command & Control System and conducted a long test drive around Denmark. Peter Holm reports on the challenges and results of this sea voyage in his practical lecture.

Hermann Schmidtendorf, Editor-in-Chief

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