Our new blog – start with us!

Our new blog – start with us!

Our new blog – start with us!

Today we're starting a new blog. It is intended to specifically address the needs of freight carriers and the logistics industry. The focus will be particularly on environmentally friendly rail transport. 

Thanks to several years of work for the B2B magazine bahn manager, most recently as editor-in-chief and senior correspondent, as well as my production of the two-week TV magazine KOLEJWIZJA for Polish cable TV companies for over ten years, the rail and cargo sector is well known  to me. Together with my partners, we hope that we can use this blog and the subsequent magazine to provide the industry with important information – in a friendly, easy-to-read style. Your job is important – we want to develop it together! 

Sincerely yours, Hermann Schmidtendorf, Editor-in-Chief

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