Austria: Grants from Industriemagazin and LIMAK Business School
Studying made easy: The industry magazine of WEKA Industrie Medien GmbH and the LIMAK Austrian Business School jointly award partial scholarships in Linz for two MBA and two university courses Sustainable Business and the Circular Economy with a total value of 28,800 euros.
Lufthansa Cargo, DB Schenker, Lenovo: Flugtransport ganz ohne CO2
CO2-neutrale Frachtflüge, geht das überhaupt? DB Schenker und Lufthansa Cargo sagen: Ja! Am 11. Januar 2022 begrüßten sie dazu als neuen Großkunden den weltweiten Anbieter von Hardware-Technologie Lenovo.
Lufthansa Cargo, DB Schenker, Lenovo: air transport without any CO2
CO2-neutral cargo flights, is that even possible? DB Schenker and Lufthansa Cargo say yes! On January 11, 2022, they welcomed Lenovo, the global provider of hardware technology, as a new major customer.