VDV and BME Rail Freight Forum: Promoting rail transport with perseverance and imagination
The transport and logistics industry started the new year with positive momentum at the traditional 18th BME/VDV Rail Freight Forum in Berlin – despite the current recession and cost increases for using the railway lines. VDV Vice President Joachim Berends told CARGO FREIGHT JOURNAL: “When it comes to the railway, we must not think in short time frames when it comes to the approval of new infrastructure, financing, and maintaining the existing network. And that was the topic here.”
18th BME/VDV FORUM Rail Freight Transport 29/30.1.2025: More branded products on the rails!
The year 2025 will be challenging again for rail freight transport in Germany and its neighbouring countries. Nevertheless, the 18th Rail Freight Transport Forum in Berlin, which begins today, is focusing on rail transport. The conference motto: More branded products on the rails!
15th VPI Symposium: Rail infrastructure needs reliability in renovation
The 15th VPI Symposium of the Association of Freight Wagon Owners in Germany took place in Hamburg on January 14, 2025. VPI Chairman Malte Lawrenz described the poor condition of the railway infrastructure as the “biggest pain point in the industry”. In front of the 250 participants, the VPI chairman named other key areas of action: securing innovation funding for projects such as ETCS and DAK, reforming the track pricing system, separating InfraGo from the DB Group, securing single wagon traffic and strengthening combined transport.
IoT und Big Data bei den Eisenbahnen – Leitkonferenz am 31.5. und 1.6.2023 in Köln
Der globale Markt für vorausschauende Wartung, einschließlich IoT-basierter Fernüberwachung von Zügen und Gleisen, befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung. Er weist in den nächsten drei Jahren eine erwartete jährliche Wachstumsrate von 21 Prozent auf. Das Internet der Dinge (IoT) definiert die Bahnindustrie neu – mit erheblichen Vorteilen.
IoT and Big Data in the railways – leading conference on 31.5. and June 1st, 2023 in Cologne
The global market for predictive maintenance, including IoT-based remote monitoring of trains and tracks, is still evolving. It has an expected annual growth rate of 21 percent over the next three years. The Internet of Things (IoT) is redefining the rail industry – with significant benefits.
RailFreight on Tour – The Hungarian Edition meets Debrecen, 19./20. Oktober 2022
Business Development Manager Rob Vos freut sich über die Resonanz: „Auf dieser Konferenz in Debrecen können Sie Ihre Dienstleistungen einem engagierten Publikum vorstellen und Ihre neuen Geschäftspartner kennenlernen.“ Bei der ungarischen Ausgabe von RailFreight on Tour wird das Potenzial Ungarns auf der internationalen Landkarte des Schienengüterverkehrs untersucht. Die Veranstaltung wird von der niederländischen ProMedia group.nl und RailFreight.com organisiert. CARGO FREIGHT JOURNAL ist einer der Medienpartner der Veranstaltung. Informationen finden sich unter: https://events.railfreight.com/railfreight-on-tour/hungary/programme/
RailFreight on Tour – The Hungarian Edition meets Debrecen October 19-20, 2022
Business Development Manager Rob Vos is pleased with the response: “At this Debrecen conference, you may promote your services to a dedicated audience and meet your new business partners.” At The Hungarian Edition of the RailFreight on Tour, the potential of Hungary on the international rail freight map is explored.
The event is organised by the Dutch ProMedia group.nl and RailFreight.com. CARGO FREIGHT JOURNAL is one of the media partners of the event. Information are given under: https://events.railfreight.com/railfreight-on-tour/hungary/programme/
CARGO FREIGHT JOURNAL und rail & mobility: Neue Magazine für die Mobilitätsbranche
Mit Freude möchten wir Sie informieren, dass wir mit zwei neuen B2B-Fachzeitschriften am Markt sind: CARGO FREIGHT JOURNAL (CFJ, auf Englisch) und rail & mobility (r&m, auf Deutsch).
CARGO FREIGHT JOURNAL and rail & mobility: New magazines for the mobility industry
We are happy to inform you that we are on the market with two new B2B trade journals: CARGO FREIGHT JOURNAL (CFJ, in English) and rail & mobility (r&m, in German).
14/15 June 2022, Vilnius/Lithuania: Important conference on rail freight transport
Despite the globalised supply chain, business developments still take place intensely on a regional level. Therefore, the staff of RailFreight.com is now organising a conference under the motto RailFreight on Tour: „On 14 and 15 June, we will travel to Vilnius, Lithania.“