PORT OF KIEL: Positive balance in 2024 for cargo, ferries and cruises

The Swedish ferry company Stena Line is an important player in European shipping with 40 ships and 20 routes. Its ships are regular guests in Kiel. It was therefore routine that Stena’s Germany managing director Mikko Juelich was also present at the annual press conference of the PORT OF KIEL on January 15, 2025.

PORT OF KIEL: Positive Bilanz 2024 bei Cargo, Fähr- und Kreuzfahrten

Die schwedische Fährreederei Stena Line ist mit 40 Schiffen und 20 befahrenen Routen ein wichtiger Player in Europas Schifffahrt. Ihre Schiffe sind in Kiel regelmäßige Gäste. So gehörte es zur Routine, dass bei der Jahrespressekonferenz des SEEHAFEN KIEL am 15. Januar 2025 auch der Deutschland-Geschäftsführer von Stena Mikko Juelich anwesend war.

German ports: work is going on again – for the time being

The trade union ver.di and the Central Association of German Seaport Companies e.V. (ZDS) have reached a settlement at the Hamburg Labour Court. Three more negotiation dates will be agreed by July 22, 2022 to take place by August 26, 2022 and collective bargaining will continue. During this period, no further industrial action will be taken by ver.di with the plaintiffs’ employees.

HHLA: Positive balance sheet for 2021. Concern about the Odessa container terminal

HHLA achieved sales of EUR 1.46 billion in 2021, 12.7 percent more than in 2020. This was reported by Hamburger Hafen und Logistik (HHLA) at its balance sheet conference on March 24, 2022. HHLA CEO Angela Titzrath described Russia’s attack on Ukraine on February 24 as a “bitter day for all peace-loving people worldwide”. On that day, the port of Odessa, the most important in Ukraine, also had to close. HHLA has operated a container terminal there since 2001.