Here you can find several hundred train videos that we have produced in over ten years. Our current platform CARGO JOURNAL Video can also be found here.
Photo: Hermann Schmidtendorf
Our current video platform for the blog: www.cargo-journal.eu . There are the chapters report, news, interview, speech, business talk. Films in German, partly in English.
Our second actual video plattform for the blog: www.rail-mobility.eu . Various facets oft he rail and mobility sector. Films in German, French and English.
Between 2017 and 2020 we produced over 100 railway related films for the specialist magazine bahn manager. Films in German, partly in English and French.
For the passenger association Pro Bahn Berlin-Brandenburg we produced videos from the recordings of several online events, among others with the ODEG railway company. We are also happy to work for other interested parties, companies and associations! Please send inquiries to redaktion@bahn-business.eu
“Rail Vision” is the name of our rail TV program that we have been broadcasting every other week in Polish cable TV stations since 2010, with numerous repetitions. Several hundred films were made. It is the only Polish TV railroad program that has broadcast uninterrupted for such a long time. Reach about 1 million viewers. In Polish language.
Kolejwizja films in German language.