We are proud of this book!
On 376 pages, our editor-in-chief Hermann Schmidtendorf, supported by Dr. Claudia Müller for Spain and Mag. Markus Inderst for Austria, insights into the railways of 21 European countries. There are facts, overviews and details, but also a lot of reading fun!
Two people are to be thanked for the creation of this work: the publisher Dennis Peizert, who also acts as co-editor here, and the editor Lasse Hinrichs, who brought Hermann Schmidtendorf, who was then a journalist and railway entrepreneur, to the B2B specialist magazine bahn manager. Schmidtendorf wrote 19 country portraits, which – supplemented by Austria and Spain – are reflected in this book.
The idea of the book comes from the publisher. But Schmidtendorf took every word and every number of the texts written between 2016 and 2020 again, checked them for factual correctness and topicality and corrected them where necessary. Updating texts were also added, and older photos were replaced with new ones where it made sense. At the time of going to press at the end of November 2020, the country portraits are up-to-date and offer multifaceted information on the railways in Europe.
The countries Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Hungary are presented. The country portraits consist of several texts, contain a country overview (history and present of the railway system in the country), railway infrastructure, key players, interviews with representatives of the railway industry, special features. Chapters such as “Cross-border rail traffic – added value for Europe” and reports on key companies in the rail industry complete the picture. Rail freight traffic is shown to advantage everywhere.

A political and editorial selfie: Editor Schmidtendorf in conversation with EU representative Trautmann in Helsinki. Photo hfs
The most prominent greeting in the book comes from the coordinator of the European Commission Catherine Trautmann. Editor-in-chief Schmidtendorf took part in an EU seminar in Helsinki with Ms. Trautmann, and this was when the idea for the greeting came up. Unlike the Wild West writer Karl May, Schmidtendorf does not only write about distant countries – he was there himself!
The managing director of the Association of the Railway Industry in Germany VDB Dr. Ben Möbius contributed a greeting to the book. The photo (VDB picture) shows the book editors Schmidtendorf and Peizert, VDB press spokeswoman Pauline Maître and Hanse Verlag sales manager Dirk Kraft at a meeting on July 2nd, 2020.

Dennis Peizert, Hermann Schmidtendorf (Hrsg.), bahnland europa, Lüneburg 2020. 376 Seiten Hardcover, 39,50 €, ISBN: 978-3-96892-083-2 To be ordered under: