German freight transport: With “KV AKUT” against toll pain

As of December 1, 2023, the toll for trucks on Germany’s motorways and federal highways was almost doubled. This is a significant burden on the road freight transport industry. But the “SHIFT 2030” initiative has the right “medicine” ready: KV Akut! The medication package says: “KV acute” with the “combined transport (KV) active ingredient” has a threefold effect: against toll complaints, against a lack of drivers and to inhibit CO2 – “daily use recommended”…

Webasto and DB Cargo: in future delivery of goods by rail

Between October and December 2021, the automotive supplier Webasto tested the delivery and shipping of components and goods by rail at its Neubrandenburg site. The evaluation of the pilot project is now available: The use of freight trains instead of trucks will reduce carbon dioxide emissions during transport to and from the Neubrandenburg site by at least three quarters without additional costs.

Webasto und DB Cargo: Zukünftig Warenlieferung per Schiene

Zwischen Oktober und Dezember 2021 erprobte der Automobilzulieferer Webasto am Standort Neubrandenburg Anlieferung und Versand von Komponenten und Waren per Bahn. Jetzt liegt die Auswertung des Pilotprojekts vor: Der Kohlendioxid-Ausstoß bei den Transporten vom und zum Standort Neubrandenburg durch die Nutzung von Güterzügen statt Lkw wird ohne Mehrkosten um mindestens drei Viertel sinken.

HHLA: Positive balance sheet for 2021. Concern about the Odessa container terminal

HHLA achieved sales of EUR 1.46 billion in 2021, 12.7 percent more than in 2020. This was reported by Hamburger Hafen und Logistik (HHLA) at its balance sheet conference on March 24, 2022. HHLA CEO Angela Titzrath described Russia’s attack on Ukraine on February 24 as a “bitter day for all peace-loving people worldwide”. On that day, the port of Odessa, the most important in Ukraine, also had to close. HHLA has operated a container terminal there since 2001.

Lithuania: The new gateway for freight between Europe and Asia

Since the summer of 2021, freight trains from across Europe have been able to reach Lithuanian’s Kaunas Intermodal Terminal (KIT) – one of the most important logistics centres for the Rail Baltica project and the North Sea to Baltic Sea transport corridor.